Nov 23 - Report Cards

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

Friday Nov 27 - PA Day (no school for students unless having interview/conference with teacher)

Monday, Nov 30 - Non-instructional day (no school for students)

Tuesday, Dec 1 - Start of new switch classes

Report Cards

Progress report cards for Grades 1-8 and FDK Communication of Learning Reports will be emailed out to parents/guardians today (Nov 23). You will need your child’s Ontario Education Number (OEN) to retrieve the report. Students in SK - Gr 8 can locate their OEN on a previous report card. Parents/guardians of JK students will need to locate an email with the OEN sent out earlier in the school year.

We will begin sending report cards later in the day. Our school is too large to do it all at once. We will email again to let you know when all reports have been sent out.

Once sent out, if you require assistance in retrieving the report card, we’ll send out a specific form to complete in order to receive assistance. Please do not contact the school via phone at this time regarding reports.

Questions or comments regarding the report cards should wait until meeting with the teacher(s) this week. Teachers will not be able to respond to questions during teaching time.

Please be aware up front that the report cards will not be consistent with previous years. With a number of subjects started late (ie. music, french), there was not enough time to determine your child’s progress for this report. Those subjects will be reported on for the first term report card in February. In addition, if a child has not participated online sufficiently to determine their progress, those subjects will not be reported on until February as well when more assessments have been completed to provide an accurate assessment.


Gr 1 - 8 Teachers have been scheduling student-parent-teacher conferences/interviews for this week. They may take the form of a student-led conference or a more traditional parent-teacher interview. FDK teachers will be conducting a virtual visit with you and your child. All conferences/interviews/visits should be completed this week.

There are a number of classes where the homeroom teacher has recently started an extended absence. For these classes, it will not be possible to have conferences/interviews at this time. We will be sending out an email to those parents/guardians specifically to inform you.

November Reorganization

We are in the process of finalizing changes for the November 30 switch day. Please be aware there is no school on Monday, November 30 as teachers will be preparing for new classes to begin on December 1. While we are not expecting any students needing to change classes, there will be a number of significant changes to teaching staff and some other structural changes. We will send out a specific email shortly detailing the changes to occur.

At this time, all requests to return to in-person or remain in the virtual school are final. No more requests to stay or leave the school can be accommodated until the next switch period in February.